Vision #evangelism2013 Jan08

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Vision #evangelism2013

Vision #Evangelism2013

It’s time to receive vision and build on the BOLD foundation of faith from 2012. In 2013, we will reach those we thought were impossible

2012 was the year of “Divine Provision and Intervention.” It was a year the East-West Church experienced the power of God in new and radical ways. While fear of the unknown ravished many, our church learned to walk, speak and act in bold faith. When many around us were losing their homes and jobs, our church family received promotions and new opportunities for advancement.

In 2012, God truly was with us and provided for us in ways that we could not see, nor ever imagine. In 2012, we developed a strong foundation of BOLD faith that we will build on in 2013.

For me to have Christ in me, provides opportunities to reach others around me, to gain the glory of eternity for myself and others. [Philippians 1:21]

2013 is the Year of Evangelization. We must live as Christ so others can see and feel the love of Christ. We must put God first, and show the world that we believe the Word of God enough to live the Word. This year we must forget the past hurts and failures and not be afraid to attempt the impossible. We must activate BOLD faith.

Theodore Roosevelt said “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

In 2013, we must allow the spirit of Christ to operate in us and seize every opportunity to demonstrate His power and His Kingdom. We must reach beyond our little groups and start walking outside our comfort zone. It’s time to think outside the box and step past the limitations we have placed on ourselves.

The world is filled with those who are lost and hurting, many by people claiming to be a Christian. We must be willing to work past religious arguments and provide the world an opportunity for a true experience with the living Christ.

In 2013, we must DARE to do mighty things. We must expand our circle of influence. We must look for opportunities and implement BOLD Faith so others can experience the goodness and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.