Strength of Meekness Aug12

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Strength of Meekness

Strength of MeeknessFor the past few weeks, I’ve been teaching on the exhibits of Evidence, the Fruits of the Spirit [Galatians 5:22-23]. The Bible says we prove we’re followers of Christ when we produce much fruit [John 15:8]. This past Sunday we focused on presenting the evidence of meekness.

Few understand the true power of meekness? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably defined meekness as being timid, fearful, cowardly or weak. However, that is not how God defines meekness. Meekness refers to an attitude, as well as actions. Meekness is strength under control. It’s when you have the authority, power, knowledge or ability to hurt someone, yet you restrain yourself.

There are only a few people in the Bible who are described as “meek”: Moses and Jesus were two. So it seems that biblical meekness has little to do with timidity. In fact, the bible only attributes meekness to the strongest and most courageous.

After murdering an Egyptian solider, Moses walked into the house of Pharaoh demanding him to release the Children of God from slavery. That took courage, faith and strength. AND, I don’t think you’ll find anyone who thought Jesus was timid or weak.

In Matthew 5:5, Jesus encouraged us to learn from Him. Jesus walked with divine power. Yet, He was gentle, kind, loving and even sympathetic. He used his power to heal, not hurt. At any moment when Jesus was being beaten, mocked, spit on, tortured and nailed to a cross, He could have called for legions of angels to destroy His persecutors. However, He chose meekness. Why? Because in His meekness, he exhibited incredible restraint and strength.

Meekness requires self control.  It is not spiteful, vindictive or judgemental. It’s that moment when you’ve been treated unfairly, or with less respect than you feel you deserve, you don’t flare up and kick back, you rise above it.

My wife is very tech savvy. She has the ability to easily master any gadget or interface you put in her hands. She can repair computers,  code web sites and understands all the latest social trends. However, she also has a true heart to teach and help others.

For two years my wife worked daily to help someone build their business using her skills. After they hired someone to do that job, she offered to train them. Instead of appreciating her two years, that person became angry she was backing away and verbally attacked her. My wife remained calm and didn’t respond. Although she had the power, knowledge and ability to hurt that person, she exhibited the Fruit of the Spirit. She said “if I do that, it says nothing about them and everything about me.” My wife realized that if she reacted, she was given away her self-control to someone else.

People who have the Spirit of Meekness are not sensitive, defensive and don’t feel sorry for themselves when treated unfairly. They’re strong because they realize their strength does not come from them, but from the Lord.

It’s time for you to learn how to take control of yourself and learn how to act, not react.

Remember, Meekness isn’t Weakness, for only the strongest, the most courageous can be meek.