A Christmas Mess Dec02

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A Christmas Mess

A Christmas Mess

This is truly an amazing time of the year in the Mushegan house. After a recent visit with my mother and father, I walk in to find our living room looking like Christmas threw up in it.

I was not sure where all this stuff was going, but my wife assured me she did. As I walked away, I wondered where does she keep all this stuff the rest of the year? She spent two days decorating a 9 ½’ tree, turned sticks & berries into stair decorations, and managed to hang fifteen stockings on the mantel.

You ask why 15 stockings? Denise had to have one for each of our children, their spouses, our grandchildren and the son we grafted into our family 10 years ago along with his wife and son. I have to admit, all her hard work paid off because the house looks beautiful. I enjoy the self timed trees (yes plural) the wreathes, and all the white lights that greet us after sunset. She managed to take that scattered mess and transform our house into a beautiful celebration of Christmas.

In this time of the year, as I look at all the lovely decorations and displays, I’m reminded of how Jesus takes our disorganized lives and put everything into proper place; where everyone that sees us will marvel at His light shining through us. I’m always amazed how The Christ of Christmas can take the mess in our lives and do something beautiful, something wonderful.

No matter how displaced you may feel this Christmas season, remember how Christmas threw up in my house. You may not see how it can be done. However, God can take the mess in our lives and put it into proper order, so that many can see the true Star on the Christmas Tree!