Are You Deflated? Jan03

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Are You Deflated?

Are You Deflated

“When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person” [Job 22:29]

I was driving down the road one night looking at all the beautiful Christmas decorations and lights. I passed one home whose yard was full of all kinds of different decorations. In fact, they covered every square foot of the property. All the lights of the colorful figures sent a glow into the heavens. It was a peaceful and beautiful sight.

A few days later I was driving down the same road, by the same house that had all the same beautiful displays. However, this time I noticed that all the amazing figures that were so beautiful just a few days earlier, were now laying on the ground. They were waiting for a switch to be turned on, so air could be placed back into these vessels of light. The figures that once sent a glow into the heavens were now deflated face down in the dirt.

As I observed this sad disoriented yard, I realized this is like many people’s life. One day we are up, shining bright and inspiring those around us. Then the next day something comes along and knocks the spiritual wind out of us, leaving us laying in the dirt.

In 2013 we must rely on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only One whose hand should be on the switch, the One who has the ability to put life back into our deflated spirit. The one who has the power to set us back on our feet and cause us to glow with His power? Jesus called us to be the light of the world.

Remember you were not created to be deflated laying face down in the dirt! You have been created to stand and shine on a hill for the whole world to see.  [Matthew 5:14]