Delayed, But Not Denied Dec20

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Delayed, But Not Denied

Delayed But Not Denied

What do you do when you’re tired and it seems everyone around you is angry and frustrated?   I lived this very question this week.

Fighting bronchitis and the possibility of pneumonia, I left for Maryland to minister at Evangel Temple. We had a fantastic service. I had the privilege of praying for more than two thousand people and God moved in miraculous ways with people being healed and saved.

As I left for the airport, I was tired and exhausted from the day before and still battling trying to breathe. I arrived, checked in and sat quietly waiting to get home. I would receive notification that the flight was delayed an hour. The inbound flight was being routed to Richmond due to heavy fog. At that very moment, people started getting angry and irritated about the delay. After three more delays, not only was my flight cancelled, but all flights in and out the airport were cancelled.

Remember all those angry, irritated people from my flight? Now add the entire airport to those numbers and things were going from bad to worse. The next step is trying to get my luggage and to find a hotel that is not already booked up.

After several calls, I was able to find a place to stay. After a few more hours, I finally was able to get something to eat. I went to bed, tired and more exhausted than I think I have ever been.

The next morning, I found out the flight I was scheduled to be on was full. I was bumped to a later flight and then that flight was delayed. This continued for several hours and yet I never doubted I would get home, I just didn’t know when. After a very long 36-hour delay, I finally made it home.

There are times in our lives where we get angry or lose hope when we don’t get what we want, when we want it.  In Isaiah 40:31, we are reminded that if we WAIT, the LORD will renew our strength. We will spread our wings and soar like eagles. We will run and not be weary and we will walk and not get tired.

In these pressing times, DON’T GIVE UP.  No matter how long it takes, or hopeless you feel things are,  keep walking and watch God Move.