Reaching Your Potential Mar07

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Reaching Your Potential

Reaching Your PotentialRemember in school being asked to complete a task, or the dreaded Science Project? For those who played sports, remember giving all you had? It seemed no matter how hard you tried, your teacher or coach would push you harder.

I remember this one coach, and no matter how hard I pushed myself, he would tell me “you can press harder.” He always said “you don’t know your potential.” He pressed me to test my boundaries, both mentally and physically. He said I needed to change my mind set and try harder. As a typical teen, I thought he was crazy. I was giving it all I had, I couldn’t do anymore!

I never really understood this principle and dismissed what my coach said, until I was older. Then one day I was watching my horse; he was a beautiful, confident, fearless, strong black stallion. I walked out to the barn to see him walking around his paddock. I noticed he would take a few steps and lean over on the rails. I watched him as he continued to walk, then lean against another rail and he wouldn’t stop. I asked this old man who was standing near me, “what in the world is that horse doing?” The words he spoke would change my mind set forever.

The old farmer said “You see young man, your horse wants to get out of this enclosure. He is taking his time to test every area of this here corral to find a weakness in one of those rails. Once he finds that weakness, he’ll be gone.”

A lightbulb moment! I may be confined by circumstances, but until I lean on the rail, take another step and test the fence, and keep trying; I would never escape to find my potential.

Great things come to those who press themselves beyond those things that confine them. They keep pressing until they find a place to break out into their greater potential.

The apostle Paul understood this principle when he said in Philippians 3:14 “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

If you’re going to reach your potential, you must:
1. Change your MIND SET

It’s time for you to press your boundaries and reach your potential.