The Gift Dec18

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The Gift

The Gift

What gifts are the most precious to you this year? Did you think of the birth of Jesus? What about the freedom to worship . . .

I want to take time to remind you of two worship experiences we will be having at East West Church that you will not want to miss. The first will be this Sunday, December 23rd at 9:30 and 11am. We will be celebrating “THE GIFT” that God sent to us in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ.

This service will be filled with worship, special performances and a Word that I have on my heart for this Season. We’ll be taking communion and remembering the baby we celebrate this time of year, is the same Lord that gave His life so that we could gain ours.

The second event will be Sunday, December 30th at 9:30 and 11am. On this day we will have a special time of worship and praise as we celebrate our past, present and future together. I’m also asking for you to bring your prayer request with you for the upcoming year. We will be praying together as a church over your requests. We will then seal your request in an envelope that I will be praying over throughout the 2013 year.